JSON Tutorial for Beginners Learn How to Program

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Author :
Adam Khoury
Part 1 of learning JSON for beginners with Adam. JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation. It is a lightweight format for creating and sending data objects. JSON is a part of JavaScript and not a separate entity, the notation syntax is built into the raw Javascript programming language as a subset. In this lesson you can become familiarized with assembling and grabbing specific data out of JSON format objects. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <script> var obj1 = { user:"John", age:22, country:"United States" }; var obj2 = { user:"Will", age:27, country:"United Kingdom" }; var obj3 = { user:"Abiel", age:19, country:"Mexico" }; var obj4 = { u1:obj1, u2:obj2, u3:obj3 }; document.write(obj3.user+" lives in "+obj3.country); obj3.country = "Italy"; document.write("<hr />"); document.write(obj3.user+" lives in "+obj3.country); document.write("<hr />"); document.write(obj4.u2.user); // document.write(obj4["u2"]["user"]); document.write("<hr />"); var meats = ["beef","pork","lamb"]; var fruit = ["apple","plumb","grape","orange"]; var obj5 = { arr1:meats, arr2:fruit }; document.write(obj5.arr1[1]+" with "+obj5.arr2[0]+" is for dinner"); </script> </body> </html>