Prepared Statements PHP mysqli Tutorial
Prepared statements provide a way to template a query if there is a need to repeat the same query many times with different parameters or values.
$mysqli = new mysqli("localhost", "db_user", "db_password", "db_name");
if (mysqli_connect_error()) { echo mysqli_connect_error(); exit; }
// The (?,?,?) below are parameter markers used for variable binding
$sql = "INSERT INTO people (username, gender, country) VALUES (?,?,?)";
$stmt = $mysqli->prepare($sql);
$stmt->bind_param("sss", $u, $g, $c); // bind variables
$u = 'Anton';
$g = 'm';
$c = 'Sweden';
$stmt->execute(); // execute the prepared statement
$u = 'Tanya';
$g = 'f';
$c = 'Serbia';
$stmt->execute(); // execute the prepared statement again
$stmt->close(); // close the prepared statement
$mysqli->close(); // close the database connection