2023 PHP Market Share Data Website Server Side Programming

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Adam Khoury
Today we'll be discussing server-side(back-end) programming language dominance for web development in 2023, the years passed and the upcoming years ahead of us. PHP has about 80% of the market share value in 2023. JavaScript (including Nodejs and all other server-side JS frameworks) has about 2% of the market share. The first thing we'll do is discuss a very brief history of both PHP and JavaScript. Then we'll look at market share data for server-side programming languages in 2023. We'll discuss whether or not PHP can be dethroned. Finally, I will make a prediction about greed-based movements and various entities that may desire the death of PHP. PHP was first conceived between the years of 1993 and 1995 by Rasmus Lerdorf. He wrote several CGI programs in C, which he used to see who was looking at his online resume and to maintain his homepage. He then extended it to process forms and interact with his databases. It quickly became a server-side(back-end) programming tool for the web being used by thousands of developers. Its source code cannot be viewed like other technologies. It gained more popularity over the years and has remained consistent as the top server-side development programming language for the web for around 15 years. It remains the clear favorite in 2023 according to market share data. JavaScript was created by Brendan Eich in 1995 for the Netscape Navigator browser which enjoyed dominance in the early Internet before Microsoft's Internet Explorer dethroned it. JavaScript has essentially always had server-side capabilities, even in the Netscape browser. JavaScript server-side programming never gained popularity for various reasons that we can discuss more in depth in future videos. JavaScript then gained popularity as a client-side front-end web development tool, because that was its primary conceptual function. Its source code can be viewed by anyone. In order to hide or mask its source code, it would have to be obfuscated in order to mask it. It can send viewable data to server-side development languages, which at that point what happens cannot be viewed. My personal relationship with both PHP and JavaScript is one of great respect and admiration for both. If one looks at my video numbers, I have more JavaScript tutorials than I do for PHP. I want to see both technologies enjoy a very long life and see them both continue evolving. I also use Node, Python, Java, etc... where I believe they are best applied and most useful to my projects. Node and Python cannot perform the many jobs and tasks that PHP can perform as easily, as quickly, or as efficiently as PHP can. They all have their place and I refer to PHP as the Swiss Army knife of server-side development, much the way I view JavaScript as being the Swiss Army knife of client-side development. Server-side being back-end and client-side being front-end development.